Topics for Essay 2

Ok so I durped and did next week’s blog post instead of this one. As it goes for topics; I could do 1) Games that defined the N64, 2) Where did Pokemon come from, 3) Where did Harvest Moon come from, 4) What is Dungeons and Dragons, or 5) Why are people so addicted to Skyrim. Here are the questions for the games that defined the N64: 1) What were these games, 2) Why were they so great, 3) How many of them have I played (research by experience), 4)What was the best one overall, and 5) How do people feel about the N64, graphics, sound quality, etc.

About the N64, I already know that a lot of people see it as a good system. Although it’s old and the graphics were blocky, the games had a better quality. It’s like old movies; they may  not look as pretty, but they actually had a plot, good actors, etc. Some of the newer systems and games are good, but I love the classics. I know that some of the games were of the Mario and Pokemon series. Both great and classic series, that over the years have gathered a multitude of fans. I know that personally, I could spend hours playing Mario Party or one of the Pokemon games, such as Pokemon Snap, or Hey, You Pikachu!, or just one of the basic Pokemon ruby, gold, etc. They do a really good job of making you want the same goals that the game says that you need to accomplish.

So these are my topics, and as you can tell, I think that I’m going to write my second essay about the games that defined the N64.

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